Welcome to my cel gallery - the Rubberslug version!! As you might guess, I am primarily a Sailor Moon collector. I made a decision long ago to focus solely on my first and favorite anime series and I have pretty much stuck to that over the years. I wanted to make this gallery a little different and include categories that highlight certain characteristics that I love to collect in particular. I've had this idea of "special" categories ever since I first conceived of putting up a gallery but never got around to doing it until now. And, I thought what better place to put it than Rubberslug?!? This gallery will also display my genga/layouts/roughs collection. If you would like to view my full cel collection by character and/or series, please visit my regular cel gallery: http://www.luna-art.com
Hope you enjoy your time here!!

News & Updates

3/2/2013I started to sync-up my Rubberslug gallery categories with cels that I have added to my main cels gallery over the past few years.

Section(s) updated so far:
Sailor Moon - Bank: Attacks
Sailor Moon - Bank: Henshins
Sailor Moon - Bank: Intros
Sailor Moon - Bank: OP/ED
Sailor Moon - Pans: Horizontal
Sailor Moon - Pans: Vertical

Done! (for now) ^_^
2/23/2013I finally got around to uploading not only my Anime-Beta awards cels from this year but also from 2010. ^^;;

Section updated:
Anime-Beta Awards
1/17/2013Added a new background that I just ID'd.

Section updated:

Gallery Contents
Private Area
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Title Last Updated
Anime-Beta Awards 2/23/2013
Sailor Moon - Bank: Attacks 10/29/2014
Sailor Moon - Bank: Eyecatch 6/17/2007
Sailor Moon - Bank: Henshins 11/2/2014
Sailor Moon - Bank: Intros 11/4/2014
Sailor Moon - Bank: OP/ED 11/16/2014
Sailor Moon - Favorite Scene 10/5/2009
Sailor Moon - Genga / Douga 10/5/2009
Sailor Moon - Hanken 11/18/2014
Sailor Moon - Harmony 11/19/2010
Sailor Moon - Pans: Horizontal 12/6/2014
Sailor Moon - Pans: Vertical 3/8/2013
Tenchi Muyo / Pretty Sammy 1/15/2004
Backgrounds 1/17/2013
Miscellaneous Series 1/16/2004
Silly Stuff 11/4/2014

Curator: ~ Luna-Art ~
Gallery Created: 8/12/2003
Hits: 95122

Presentation 8.94/10   Collection 9.40/10   Overall 9.13/10   Votes 79 votes
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