Sailor Moon - Bank: OP/ED

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   Home/Change Series

OP and ED stands for bank cels from Opening and Ending sequences. Each of the 5 series of Sailor Moon has their own unique animation. The earlier seasons of SM even have 2 completely different sequences that changeover mid-season, while the later series only make subtle changes when additional characters appear. Opening animation cels are *much* easier to find than Ending cels, relatively speaking.

 S Series Opening

 Stars Series Opening

 Stars Series Opening

 R Series Opening

 R Series Opening

 Original Series Opening

 Original Series Opening

 Original Series Opening

 Original Series Opening
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Curator: ~ Luna-Art ~
Gallery Created: 8/12/2003
Hits: 95122

Presentation 8.94/10   Collection 9.40/10   Overall 9.13/10   Votes 79 votes
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