Anime-Beta Awards

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I thought it would be nice to add a new category for my cels/backgrounds that have received an Anime-Beta award. It has been a lot of fun participating in the competitions over the years. It's a great way to get exposed to lots of different and wonderful pieces of animation artwork and it is always quite the challenge deciding when it comes to voting. A big thanks to everyone that voted for my entries and to all the fabulous people who work so hard to organize/execute the awards each year!! ^__^

 2013 - Embarrassed - 1st Place

 2013 - Female - 3rd Place

 2013 - Group - 2nd Place

 2013 - Love - 1st Place

 2013 - Tranquility - 2nd Place

 2010 - Action - 2nd Place (tied)

 2010 - Group - 1st Place (tied)

 2010 - Joy - 2nd Place

 2009 - Action - 2nd Place
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Curator: ~ Luna-Art ~
Gallery Created: 8/12/2003
Hits: 95122

Presentation 8.94/10   Collection 9.40/10   Overall 9.13/10   Votes 79 votes
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